Call of duty modern warfare 3 yuri
Call of duty modern warfare 3 yuri

In a race to a single pistol, Makarov wins and aims down the barrel at price, until Yuri put a bullet in his side, and is turned on and killed. Chasing the Russian to a helipad on the roof, Price brings down the helicopter that was evacuating Makarov, crashing it back onto the roof, which they both survived. Finally tracking Makarov down to a hotel, the race began to kill him, as Price and his new protégé Yuri turned up in Juggernaut suits. Even though he was a decorated soldier and saved the planet, his only remaining thought was to end Makarov and cure his seething lust for vengeance. The end of MW3 saw Captain Price and Yuri save the world from the Russian threat, but Price’s story wasn’t over. Prices dearest friend was dead, and the Russian Ultranationalists that he should have destroyed claimed another of his squad. For the first time in the three instalments of Modern Warfare Captain Price loses control and breaks down, returning the pistol that saved their lives back to Soap, as a sign of repentance to his fallen brother. Yuri and Price battle through the streets of Prague dragging Soap on their shoulders, to lay him down on a table, ultimately to pass away. In another assassination attempt gone wrong, Makarov learnt of the plan to kill him, and rigged the meeting as an ambush, setting explosives to kill both Soap and Yuri, both of whom tumbled 40-or-so feet from a window, leaving Soap in a critical state. Price’s squad was down to three, and himself, Soap and Yuri had tracked down Makarov to Hotel Lustig in Prague. With Makarov escaping, World War Three broke out in MW3.

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  • A bullet from Shepherd to each of them saw two of Price’s closest friend’s dead, in a war which could have been avoided should Zakhaev have been killed 18 years back.Ĭlick to enlarge Soap Finally Killing Shepherd to Avenge Roach and Ghost With the team securing vital intel, Roach and Ghost retreated to an evacuation point, where you all know the rest. With business back to usual, Zakhaev’s plan had been passed to Makarov, who was raining hell on earth, and the united team advanced to take him out, finally tracking him to a safe house on the outskirts of Moscow.

    call of duty modern warfare 3 yuri

    After being captured by Makarov and the Russian Ultranationalists, Price was sent to rot in the Gulag, until Soap rescued him three years later. In Modern Warfare 2, we found this was not the case, as Soap rescues Prisoner #627 from the ‘Gulag’, which turns out to be Price. As Soap kills off Zakhaev for good, CoD 4 ends with Captain Price seemingly dead. As the lay heavily wounded on the floor, Price slid Soap his pistol, and the rest is history. The pair team up with Task Force 141, and hunt Zakhaev down during CoD 4, where they were destined to be killed by the Russian, after the bridge they were chasing him on was blown up by an aircraft. However, Price and Soap form a duo that stays together through all three campaigns, saving each other’s lives on multiple occasions.

    call of duty modern warfare 3 yuri

    “"Right… What the hell kind of name is Soap, eh? How'd a muppet like you pass Selection?" When the two meet in F.G.T, Price instantly mocks his nickname and lays down the law of who’s boss. Click to enlarge Captain John 'Soap' MacTavish | Image via Activision

    Call of duty modern warfare 3 yuri